wide blue shelf

wide blue shelf

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Here I am, sitting at my computer...again. I know it's been two days, but I really don't feel like posting today. I mean, why? I have so many other-better-things to do than write to you people all the time. Tomorrow's the 4th of July and I need to figure out what, if anything, I'm doing to celebrate. I don't think we even bought fireworks this year. That's a little bit of a let-down, isn't it? Whoever heard of a 4th of July without fireworks? Well, now you all have, that's who. Did I blind-side you with that one? Don't lie. I think you guys are giving me gas. Of course, it could be because I need to take a dump. Having said that, I don't think I'm gonna post today. I'm sorry, but you can't have everything you want. I know it hurts, but I'll be back, posting with all my familiar greatness...probably in about two days. Cya...well, I can't really say that, because I obviously will not see you. More like "communicate-to-you-via-this-blog later". Yeah, that's better.


Amanda Hugenkist said...

Thanks for linking my sites.

Unknown said...

No prob, Bob.

AfroRyan said...

Was that the poem you were planning on writing?

Unknown said...

No. And I said I felt like doing it. I never said I actually would. And besides, do you think I would actually post my poems on the internet for any old Joe or Butkis like you to read? No, sir. I saves the good stuff for myself, I does.