wide blue shelf

wide blue shelf

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Hmm...I seem to be getting into the habit of blogging at work. Not sure if that's a good thing, but seeing as how I have nothing to do anyway and the boss isn't in here at the moment, I'm going to choose not to care right now.

Know what I hate? Getting up early. Know what else I hate? Homework. Know what else I hate? School in general. Props to incomplete sentences. I was late getting up early for school this morning because I stayed up too late attempting to do my homework last night. I did almost a full problem. I am so ready for this semester to be over. Seriously. I'm burnt out.

I wish I had an Xbox 360 Elite right now *wink wink*. If you don't know what the winking is about, read a couple posts ago and all will be made known to you.

Everybody excited about Expelled the Movie? I am. I'm gonna like it. I can tell these things. I'm also really looking forward to Iron Man, Dark Knight, Wall E, Hancock, Get Smart, Speed Racer (kinda), and quite a few others that I can't think of now.

I probably better go finish my homework, since it's due in four hours.
